註冊校監 | 龐董晶怡女士 | Mrs Helena C Y PONG |
Registered Supervisor | (保良局主席兼屬校總校監) | (PLK Chairman and Chairman of PLK Schools’ Supervisors Committee) |
註冊校董 | 李何芷韻女士 | Mrs Amanda T W LEE |
Registered Manager | (保良局副主席) | (PLK Vice Chairman) |
| 譚毓楨小姐 | Miss Jenny Y C TAM |
| (保良局副主席) | (PLK Vice Chairman) |
| 鄧宣宏雁女士 | Mrs Emily H Y TANG |
| (保良局副主席) | (PLK Vice Chairman) |
| 何猷亨先生 | Mr Arnaldo Y H HO |
| (保良局副主席) | (PLK Vice Chairman) |
| 林承毅先生 | Mr Louie S N LAM |
| (保良局副主席) | (PLK Vice Chairman) |
| 郭浩泉先生 | Mr Patrick H C KWOK |
| (保良局總理) | (PLK Director) |
| 陳天賜先生 | Mr CHAN Tin Chee |
| (保良局行政總監) | (PLK Chief Executive Officer) |
陳可恩女士 (保良局副行政總監)
Ms CHAN Ho Yan Florence (PLK Deputy Chief Executive Officer) |
| 劉志聰先生 (保良局教育總主任) | Mr LAU Chi Chung (PLK Principal Education Secretary) |
| 黃嘉雯女士 (保良局助理教育總主任) | Ms WONG Ka Man Carmen (PLK Assistant Principal Education Secretary) |
| 歐華國先生 | Mr AU Wah Kwok |
| (保良局財務總主任) | (PLK Financial Controller) |
Room 302, 1/F, PLK Vicwood K T Chong Building, 2 Link Road, Causeway Bay, Hong Kong
2890 4888